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WPCA Approved Minutes 06/07/2011, Regular Meeting

Members Present:                Richard Aries, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Edward Havens, Jr., and William Vees

Members Absent:         Frank Ferrero

Alternates Present:     Richard Siedman sitting in for Frank Ferrero

Alternates Absent:      Nancy Mulroy

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others: Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail, South Windsor, CT
                Mayor John Pelkey, 81 Norman Drive, South Windsor, CT

Chairman Aries called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the June 7, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        May 3, 2011 - Regular Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the May 3, 2011 regular meeting as presented.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Proposed Reserve Fund Policy (Adoption)

Included with the agenda was a draft copy of the Proposed Reserve Fund Policy (see Exhibit A).  Mr. Fred Shaw and Chairman Aries had previously met to discuss the Policy.  Chairman Aries reported that he had a chance to review the policy and would like to do some editing of the policy such as adding the definitions to some terms that are used.  Chairman Aries suggested postponing any vote on this Item until the July meeting.  A final draft copy of the Policy will be distributed to the Authority for final approval.  Once this policy is been approved, the policy will be reviewed annually by the WPCA and the Town Council during budget review and amended as necessary.

Motion was made to postpone approval of the Proposed Reserve Fund Policy until the July 2011 WPCA meeting.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      FY 2011/2012 Sewer Rate Schedule (Approval)

Mr. Fred Shaw stated that questions were raised at the Public Hearing and due to the format of the Public Hearing which is to receive input from the public concerning the proposed rates, these questions were difficult to answer.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw suggested now would be the time to answer those questions.

Chairman Richard Aries asked the public for any statements regarding the proposed sewer rates.  Resident, Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail expressed that he disagreed with the Water Pollution Control Authority setting aside money to pay the 1/20th payment for the Plant debt service.  A decision has been made through a resolution by the Town Council that the Treatment Plant Upgrade debt service will be funded through property taxes.  He expressed that the Town should have full responsibility for the Treatment Plant Upgrade debt service, not the WPCA.  

Chairman Aries explained to Mr. Don Gonsalves that there have been meetings held between the Town Council and the WPCA members to discuss the best way to approach how the Town would pay for the debt.  Mr. Gonsalves stated that if there were secret meetings between the Town Council and the WPCA, then they should have been made public.  However, to his knowledge the last decision made was that the debt service was going to be funded through property taxes.  Mr. Gonsalves asked Mayor Pelkey to please reaffirm his statement.

Mayor Pelkey thanked members of the Authority for serving as the WPCA.  He explained that although he often disagrees with Mr. Don Gonsalves, he is in full agreement with him on this particular matter.  He explained that the Town Council did pass a resolution which stated that the Town would fund the debt service through property taxes.

Mr. Robert Dickinson asked Mayor John Pelkey whether or not the Town Council asked the WPCA to make a contribution towards the 1/20th payment.  Mayor Pelkey stated that he couldn’t answer his question because he did not have the numbers in front of him.  Mr. Dickinson asked him if the Town Council has set aside any reserve towards the debt service of the Treatment Plant.  Mayor Pelkey responded that at the public hearing there was some discussion that the initial payment will be covered by user fees and from that point after the Town Council will make the monthly payments.

Chairman Aries explained that a resolution was passed pledging the full faith and credit of the Town with regards to payment of the Treatment Plant debt service.  However, that is a broad statement in which the WPCA never felt that it would guarantee anything.  Even so, the Authority wrote letters to the Town Council requesting better clarification of the resolution to obtain assurance that the debt service would be funded through property taxes; but the Town Council never responded to either correspondence.  Also there have been joint meetings with the Town Council, public meetings and work sessions where this matter was discussed.

Mayor Pelkey responded that a resolution is in place; however, if the WPCA starts building up a reserve as fast as the Authority wants, then it will be easier for future councilman to change the resolution that is in place and use the money collected from sewer user fees towards the Treatment Plant debt service.  Mayor Pelkey explained that it was his opinion that the WPCA trying to quickly build up the reserve fund so as to complete the pipe study all at once.  Therefore, he recommended increasing the sewer user fees between $310 and $320.  He believed it would be a reasonable amount and the Authority will still be able to build up some reserve.  He also recommended doing the study over a couple of years.

Mr. Shaw responded to Mayor Pelkey that it was intended that the study would be a step by step process and would be completed over a number of years.  The first phase would be to do a study for the conditions of the pipes and the second phase would be a study on how to divert the flow.  He feels that by doing the study in two phases it would not cost as much and the user fees don’t have to be raised so much this year.  Chairman Richard Aries responded that the scope of service has not yet been reviewed.

Mr. Don Gonsalves also referred to a Projection of Revenues and Expenditures 2000.  As a member of the public, he would like to see the projections report.  He believes that the report includes everything as far as the WPCA operation and it will eliminate 95% of the problems with the Town Council.  However, “the numbers are wrong”.  Chairman Aries responded that yes, there was an error and it was corrected.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the report is a working draft and is used to make “What if” projections and make recommendations based thereon.  Mr. Gonsalves disagreed that the numbers have been corrected and he feels that the actual number are still wrong.  Chairman Aries explained to Mr. Gonsalves that there is always an opportunity to be able to review the updated reports and to meet with Mr. Fred for further review of the reports.

There was no further discussion.

Motion to adopt the Sewer User Charges, Surcharges, Sewer Assessment Schedules and Septic Disposal Fees for FY 2011/2012, as presented this evening at the WPCA Public Hearing.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman

Upon roll call vote the ayes and nays were as follows:

AYES                            NAYS
Richard Aries                   Ed Havens, Jr.
Joseph Carino
Robert Dickinson
Frank Ferrero
Carol Fletterick
William Vees

                The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried with a vote of 6 ayes and 1 opposed.

        3.      Set Date for July Meeting (Approval)

Motion was made to set Tuesday, July 12, 2011 as a regular meeting of the WPCA, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sprenkel Room.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously

        4.      Account No. 321840-FY2010/2011 User Charge Adjustment (Approval)

At the last WPCA meeting, Mr. Fred explained that unfortunately 10 Bidwell Road was not included in the sewer user billing list.  So, the Authority approved a bill at 317,538 gallons and the user charge of $983.34.  However, after the approval was granted, Mr. Fred Shaw discovered that the figure he has presented was the actual water meter record for their lawn sprinkler system.  Therefore, Mr. Fred Shaw asked the Authority to adjust the bill from $983.34 to $288.00 for the FY 2010/2011 user bill.

Motion to accept the adjustment of 10 Bidwell Road User Charge from $983.34 to $288.00 for the FY 2010/2011 user bill, in accordance with the Memorandum from Mr. Fred Shaw dated June 7, 2011 (see Exhibit C).

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino

Ms. Carol Fletterick expressed that it seems to be a lot of water going on the lawn.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that this is a small business and they are using a certified water meter and the business is being billed based upon the water company meter records.

The motion carried unanimously

        5.      785 John Fitch Blvd., Use of Private Meter (Approval)

Mr. Shaw stated that he received a letter from the applicant requesting approval to install a private water meter for the purposes of measuring water that doesn’t goes into the sewer system.  Mr. Shaw stated that he inspected the facility, and looked for feasible locations for locating a meter on a dedicated line for the lawn sprinkler system.  The applicant will measure and report the water that is just been used for the lawn sprinkler system and report the meter readings on the business letter head each year in January.  That figure will allow the Town to adjust their bill and charge the applicant for only the amount of water that goes to the sewer.

Mr. William Vees asked if there are any specifications on the type of meter to install.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the Authority does require the applicant to install a standard size meter and to report the correct units of measurements.  However, there are no specifications in the rules and regulations.  Chairman Aries expressed that this matter should be further addressed so as to be included in the rules and regulations.

Motion allowing the applicant to put in one private meter for the purposes of measuring lawn sprinkler water that doesn’t goes into the sewer system; and subject to meeting all Town regulations and appropriate technical specifications relating to sanitary sewer construction, and with the conditions that they are to read these meters not less that once a month, have the meters maintained, make sure that they are accurately recording flow, and they shall allow the Town staff the opportunity to come in and check that the meter is in good operating order.  Annual reports of meter readings are to be submitted to the Town each year in January.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman

Mr. William Vees expressed that is worth the investigation of the type of meter installed, because if the applicant is not using a standardized meter and is not frequently checking it, it “is critical to any good program that is involved in the use of these meters.”  There was no further discussion.

The motion carried unanimously

        6.      Commercial Condominium User Charge Policy (Discussion)

Mr. Joseph Carino explained that the first thing that should be done is to review the current regulations which reflect that the Authority bills based on the measure flow.  These regulations were written based on a single building.  For forty years the Authority has been billing based on the flow measure.  An arbitrary recommendation was made to bill the commercial condos same as residential condominiums.

There are some commercial condominiums that have individual meters because they are served by the CT Water Company.  Those that are served by MDC only have one single meter for the building.

Mr. Joseph Carino does agree that a change needs to be made to the current regulations to reflect that if there are three buildings in one lot, each building should be billed, not just one bill for the three buildings.  However, the question is whether or not the Authority wants to change the current billing regulation which is to charge by the flow.

Chairman Aries asked if anyone feels that the current regulations need to be changed to conform to the realities of today.  Mr. Richard Siedman explained that forty years ago condominiums were not in existence in New England; the current regulations were written forty years ago.  He expressed that in a condominium complex, each individual units is been taxed individually by the Town.  Therefore, he feels that each commercial condominium unit should be billed individually the current sewer charge.  

Mr. Robert Dickinson feels that water meters should be installed for each condominium unit.  However, this can’t be done because some of the building structure does not allow it.

Mr. Joseph Carino feels that comparing water flow to taxes is not a realistic way for billing purposes.  He expressed that water flow into the Treatment Plant facility is no different than electricity or gas; which is to pay for what its use.  Mr. William Vees would like to have an idea of what other communities do in regards to this matter.  Mr. Fred Shaw will investigate and report back to the Authority.  

Mr. Ed Havens explained that in the future the existing conditions will be resolved for the WPCA because the Town regulations states that what is required is that each building now have its own separate utilities.  Chairman Aries expressed that he feels that everybody acknowledges that the current regulations are out of date.  Therefore, the regulations should be further reviewed and will be further discussed.


        1.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the construction of the Treatment Plant is about 80% completed; the project is on time and on budget.  The change orders have not been excessive for a project of this size.

        2.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

                The project construction has begun and is on schedule.

        3.      Sewer System Evaluation Consultant Selection (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that interviews are scheduled for June 15, 2011 for selection of a consultant for the Sewer System Evaluation Consultant Project.  Each firm will present their qualifications and answer questions.  The Authority has seen the scope of services and Mr. Fred Shaw will report to the Authority what the draft of the final scope of services will be for WPCA input.

Chairman Aries asked Mr. Fred Shaw to explain the figure of $900,000 that he has mentioned at the last Town Council work session.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that he had mentioned that one of the proposals submitted was for over $900,000; but also mentioned to the Council that there are a number of other proposals.  This was based upon a draft of scope of services that was provided by the Town, it will not be the one that will be the final scope of work as negotiated between the Town and the engineering consultant.

Mr. Shaw requested to add a new Item to the Agenda to obtain authorization to transfer funds from unreserved portion of the Sewer Fund Balance for replacement of the tank on the tanker truck.  He explained that the tank was leaking water and a temporary repair was completed.  However, the tank needs to be replaced.  This truck is used for transporting grease and solids and is an important piece of equipment used at the Plant.  This is an unforeseen expense; therefore, it was not in the WPCA budget.  For the purposes of going out to bid, Mr. Fred Shaw received a service quote in the amount of $65,535.  Mr. Fred requested authorization to transfer $66,500.

Motion was made to add to the Agenda Item D4 – Transfer funds from the unreserved portion of the Sewer Fund Balance (approval).

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedmnan
The motion carried unanimously

        4.      Transfer funds from the unreserved portion of the Sewer Fund Balance to make a replacement of the tank on the tanker            truck (for approval).

Motion was made to authorize the transfer of $66,500 from the unreserved portion of the Sewer Fund Balance for replacement of the tank on the tanker truck.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously






        Motion to adjourn at 8:58 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: July 12, 2011